Artemis agenda: NASA’s Ambitious Plan to Return Humans to the Moon

Ayesha Akram
6 min readJun 22, 2024

Artemis — is an investigational project intended at further advancement of space programs by NASA, the American Ministry of Space Affairs, which after Appolon has set objectives of the return to the Moon. Thus the title of the Artemis program, which is in translation from the Greek and means ‘the daughter of the hunt’ shows the program’s primary goal — not just to retell the story of Apollo and Day, its neighboring, but to focus on the contiguity of life on the Moon in the future. What I believe this mission will do is lay the establishment for increasing our scientific data about the Earth and the Universe, to develop new technologies, and to assist in an increased perceptive as to how to maintain manned missions in Mars.

As with any space expedition, the Artemis Program has various goals in place.

Goals of the Artemis Program

The Artemis program has several ambitious goals: Below are the targets of the Artemis program.

  1. Sustainable Lunar Presence: Both the referred missions concerning Apollo are Acacia and Seer is temporal programs with the mission of conducting research on the moon only; however, the Artemis is to build permanent habitats on the moon and utilizing it for testing purpose to apply technologies for future task to Mars. This involves providing space infrastructure in the form of the Lunar Gateway, a space station which will orbit the moon and will be used to support missions land on the surface of the moon or are entirely lunar missions.

2. Lunar Surface Exploration: NASA is set to reveal a program that will be tasked with the responsibility of conducting exploration missions alongside Moon’s southern latitude belt of the wasted region assumed to be rich in water ice and other significant resources. Science which lies dormant in the bosom of this earth is still unknown of man’s mars.

3. Technological Innovation: The key elements of this value chain are Space Launch System and Orion spacecraft which are new technologies being employed by Artemis and would thus require some assembly. And it is on account of these that one can only emphasize the importance of their presence in the absence of which the lunar and future interplanetary missions cannot be properly conducted, not to mention the chances of success.

4. Commercial and International Partnerships: The provisions of the program are to foster coordination with other paid space ventures and space-faring states to advance and consolidate aptitude in putting to test and developing capabilities for lunar study.

5. Preparation for Mars: Thus, Artemis can be an essential to the human opportunity to mars. Another of the key issues pointed out by the researchers indicates that, while a large number of technologies and experience are required for the appreciable moon exploration, many of these problems can be solved in addressing the issues related to the manned mission to Mars.

Mission Breakdown

The Artemis program comprises a series of missions, each building on the success of the previous ones: Worse, the Artemis program is a series of missions and every one of them is designed to follow the success of the former one:

Artemis I

Artemis I is an unmanned flight of both the SLS and the Orion spacecraft, which will be launched in the next late 2021. This mission shall reflect the effectiveness and usability of these systems during lunar fly by and return to Earth phase.

Artemis II

In particular, it is planned for the 2023 fiscal and is designed as the first flight with passengers on board, called Artemis II. Along with the refueling there will be opportunities to test crucial life-supporting subsystems as well as crew’s adaption to circumstances in space nearby the moon.

Artemis III

Described below: The next mission Artemis III that is expected to be happened in 2024 will accomplish the mission of landing the astronauts on the Moon’s South Pole. The lunar dust-imparts, measurement, experiment, and ready will be a deep element of this mission throughout the moon surface.

Implication of Returning to the Moon

Entail there are various causes for why man should go back to the moon, one of which is impacting history of man.

Returning to the Moon holds immense significance: Returning to the Moon must remain an objective of great importance:

1. Scientific Discovery: The configuration of planets of the Solar System, the creation of Solar System and The Moon reflects the early history of the Solar System. Conceivably, information concerning the geological characteristics of the planet would provide the detailed understanding of the formation process and subsequent changes on the extraterrestrial body.

2. Resource Utilization: Regarding the materials, it is also essential to know that they have accessible on the surface of the moon, such as water ice which can be utilized to produce both oxygen and hydrogen to breathe and hydrogen and oxygen for propulsion.

3. Technological Advancement: Artemis hardly refers to a new technological source for which exploitation is other than area innovations.

4. Inspiration and Education: The atmosphere of the agenda is intended to engorge new entrants, novices, and young talents and axes consumer’s innovations, and hopes to knowledge in the young people of the world of Science, Engineering, and Space.

5. International Collaboration: Artemis sees itself as an interaction called for among peoples of different nations to come up with a coordinated effort in employing space for peaceful gains.


Artemis program in NASA is a sign that the journey towards space has begun and has to be continued. Artemis returns humans to the Moon and creates sustainable lunar presence that recreates the Apollo mission context and enables deep-space investigation, including Mars. Since program is laid on aspects such as scientific research and advancement in technology besides being related to the participation of several nations and institutions, this program will be of great impact to many people. Indeed, as the species looks forward to the future, Artemis is as much a representation of how unbounded curiosity is in the human race as it is a projection of the capability of the society to repeatedly discover and advance in its desire to explore outer realms of space.



Ayesha Akram

Artical writer on different stories , computer lecturer