Ayesha Akram
3 min read6 days ago

Animals in War and Conflict: Heroines of Battle front

Throughout history, according to the cultural and historical research, animals were involved actively in people’s wars; they serve as friends and brave warriors. Taking my thesis into consideration, I want to stress the fact that none of these brave and intelligent men has ever received the due credit for his invaluable devotion to his people, which was rather the only factor that defined the outcome of the battle.

This becomes evident when depicting media in wars, and one that is most likely familiar is the war horse. In as much as there recorded wars are; as early as the use of knights and including the first world war horses were used in charging, moving and even in conveying signals. It obtained many things from it speed, strength endurance the most important function for which it was assigned was to transport the wounded to the safety zones. The interaction that existed between the horsemen and their horses was good and a number of them owed their safe escape to their horses.

Dogs have also performed tremendously in fights between armies Particularly on the battlefield. In World War II, the former Soviet Union employed such what are known as anti-tank dogs; these were dogs that were trained to lead tanks with a stick of explosives around their necks. Even in relation to the theme, these dogs described the extent set under the circumstances as desperate as Dodger. Instead, in many other cases, they have been employed as messengers, watchmen and scouts. These aspects were quite beneficial especially in terms of detecting mines, following the enemies and signaling comrades of the escalating threat. Sergeant Stubby, the war dog of WWI and the first dog formerly genetically manipulated into becoming a military working dog, caught a spy of the Germans and saved his regiment from being exterminated with the mustard gas weapons.

Pigeons also have their role in the military history ever since. In the times of both the World Wars, messages dropped by the homing pigeons became the only way of passing the information through enemy lines when the other forms of sending the messages were impossible. Among the pigeons there is a well-known story of Cher Ami who managed to save nearly 200 soldiers bringing message that lead to their evacuation despite the fact it was hurt.

Pre-aerial animals that are used in war include rats, dogs, and many others; nowadays, even marine animals! That FEATURED cold war period was when the US navy considered it convenient to train the dolphins to assist in the search for the underwater mines and more so to identify enemy divers. In this respect, it was suitable for the natural sonar abilities and intelligence to perform these tasks.

These are some of the stories to depict the great actions of animals in war and the fellowship they had with man. What is important is simply to avoid confining the concepts of heroes with one dimensional understanding that is fighters of the enemy to get gains of a definite country. Military should not be forgotten also the human soldiers, and it is worth remembering the animals which also fought fiercely but did not receive any any reward.

Ayesha Akram

Artical writer on different stories , computer lecturer