Ayesha Akram
4 min read6 days ago

A story of Unlikely Friendship: The Girl and the Wolf

In a peaceful countryside area just at the start of the great forest lived a little girl by the name of Elara. Elara was a child, and if one was to describe her heart, It could easily be considered as restless as the open and mysterious portion of the forest which was the place that she was raised in. She had the strange ability of going for a walk in forest that displeased her parents because forest contained many dangers.

Taking a judgment to go deeper into the forests than she had ever done before one autumn day, Elara did. And she was surveillance a trail of that which could without a doubt be labeled as the red and gold of the autumn and she stumbled upon a small reimbursement that was completely camouflaged from the outer world. There was a Wolf within that contradiction and it seemed to be resting beneath the giant Oak tree that is situated in the center of the fairly large space or ‘clearing’. It was silvery gray they said fur and the eyes were prickly blue as if telling thousand tales of life. He was angry; he attempted to walk away but a loop was chained approximately his ankle and he whimper as Elara approached.

Within that Metal exterior there had been a sentient being tormented and killed and Elara’s heart ached for that creature despite the fact that she didn’t feel it was deserved. Far from attractive angry at her, he dismissed her protestation and cautiously moved closer to her and speaking to her softly. Speaking of which, describing particulars of the discussion or interaction, the wolf did not act aggressively towards her since seeing she was a kind lady and let her approach him. Elara stood shaking, and making sure to not jerk the wolf, she progressively freed it from the snare. Once the trap was removed from his leg she tore a piece from her dress and bound it around his injured leg.

The wolf looked at her and they developed some sort of friendship like they both understood one another. Elara called him Storm for the insane look in his eye that was precisely like the storms that happened in the village they are living in. The poor woman visited Storm on daily basis bringing food and water for him to take. Later on, the leg was now well recovered and Storm began to build up with muscles. They relocated near each other and in a short time; they were merely best friends although one might say, more than that.

One evening, her parents trailed her and caught up with her when continually she was absent from home, thus, doing the act. Thus, although they also felt the same kind of fear, they understood that absolutely, a girl and the wolf became friends. They consulted and allowed Elara to continue the visits to the girl but with some conditions as they noted the unique relationship of their daughter to the girl.

And thus came a time for changes in the seasons, and so were the new future appropriations in the coming story of Elara and rainstorm. She and her dog separately went out for a walk in the woods to ascertain the places where there are fresh water streams and leafy groves. Storm appeared to be playing with her and she had the time to teach Elara all the things she have to learn about the forest, how to be underhanded, how to observe other animals. And in the same way Elara given Storm company or at least friendship to the friendless life he lived.

Once, a horrible winter came to the fore in relation to the village with the help of a snowstorm. Perplexed the villagers could not leave their homes, and food started running low. Since there is a person out there who she knows that has been sexually hassled, Elara felt that she had to do something. He went outside in the middle of the storm and she as well as Storm took the horizontal freeze and gusts of wind. Storm can get around just fine in the forest without additional help from Elara, and the woman proved to be very instructive for the man, so the two located a herd of deer. Storm stepped out front to hunting and Storm and the others brought the food into the village enough to feed the people of the village until the next storm.

While earlier the wolf was a hostile animal, who posed a threat to the lives of the villagers, the latter saw the wolf as a security figure in the later portraits. Their type of treating him was just as a defender and a friend of the queen. Also, the disagreement between Elara and Storm as well as their love became not only the confrontation in the forest but also hope and togetherness symbol of the village.

Years passed by and Elara is the right thinking and prestigious headman of her settlement. Storm stood with her and he did not relax, give permission leave her alone, all the time. Their love transition to a legend of a peculiar friendship which was not possible because girl and a wolf cannot be friends but their friendship is strong as the trees of the forests.

Ayesha Akram

Artical writer on different stories , computer lecturer